Sunday, 2025-02-02, 0:25 AM
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Daniel Tosh: Completly Serious Review

 Daniel Tosh: Completely Serious Review

Starring: Daniel Tosh

Director: Manny Rodriguez

Year: 2007

Man, I feel old reading how long ago this came out. Anyway, if you are unaware of who Daniel Tosh is he’s a successful comedian with the ever so popular show Tosh.0 (which I watched back in the days when I watched TV) and of course, growing into the hype, I saw both his stand up specials. And yeah, this is a simple pretty good show. First, Daniel has a style that may not originate with everyone. Well, welcome to comedy, you probably won’t find everyone funny. But of course this is a positive review, so that must mean I found him funny. In other words, if you don’t like abortion jokes, you should probably get out. But his style is beyond the simple crude humor. Sometimes he’ll go so far from what the joke originated, and doing it while talking fast, you might lose him, which he comments on in probably one of my favorite lines in the movie. “Do you love how I start jokes with mass appeal and end when only like six people know what I’m talking about?” Yeah, he’s right, and being self aware never hurts. But rapid-fire comedy can be a good thing. It can make more of an impression, and that’s what he does a lot of the time. I don’t know how jokes about day light savings time end with jokes about pterodactyls and tips about shopping at target, but god dammit if there’s a man to do, it’s Daniel Tosh. And I think Completely Serious is an appropriate title, because he never breaks his asshole character. After loosely following him for years I don’t think I’ve seen him not be an asshole, and that’s an accomplishment. Has anyone ever ruined a joke by saying, “but nah, I’m just kidding.” On not Daniel. He’s completely serious, hence his jokes are funnier than yours. Ultimately, I liked just about every joke, none stood out as unfunny, or standoffish. But then there was nothing that made me laugh hard, or even get a good laugh. It’s mostly a chuckle-fest or an often smile. And I think he knows that, he treats it pretty chill, and not a nervous guy having his big first comedy special. Anyway good show, hopefully I’ll get to Happy Thoughts eventually.

Daniel Tosh: Completely Serious gets a 3/5

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