Sunday, 2025-02-02, 4:23 AM
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Top Ten Annoying Movie Trends

Top Ten Annoying Movie Trends
Rules: These are my top tend movie trends. These are things in movies themselves, so things like annoying movie fans, Twilight fan girls (just an example), and things like that don't really apply. These are only in movies, and or in the industry.

 10. Shaky Cam: Yes, it's always a little annoying when watching a movie somebody gets the bright idea to shake the camera like they're having a seizure and we get to try and guess what the hell is going on. And they think they are so clever afterwards

 9. Bad CGI and Digital Blood: Yes following annoying things in movies, a lot of movie makers say let's just CGI something. This is a trend that started since Jurassic Park, but it's sad that Jurassic Park actually surpasses many of these movies, years and years later.

 8. Video Game Movies: I've given a "Creative Topic" on my thoughts on video game movies. But it's a simple grab for a big name title, and a easy grab for some cash, ends, and that's it, and it hardly ever has a good outcome.

 7. Parody Movies: Nowadays with how many parody movies there are, it really is a bad situation. They are usually bad, and as the trend grows on, these movies actually gain money, and idiots actually like it, it really gets annoying.

 6. Shitty movie sequels: Yes these are always disappointing, and they really hurt for fans. They turn into a big stain, and even though they aren't coming out every month, they get pretty annoying.

 5. The Seemingly Never Ending Franchises: It's always annoying when the movies start reaching the fives, sixes, and sevens. Movies that just keep going for the sake of making more money is annoying, even if they are sometimes good. It's like a half heart half greed situation, and get really annoying.

 4. Unnecessary Sequels: You watch a movie, it's fantastic. It has one of those endings that are satisfying and concluding. And yes it made a lot of money... so there'll be another one, whether it's suppose to be there or not.

 3. Bad Movie Remakes: Remaking a movie can be a good thing. It brings the old to a new generation, can give a twist, and more. But of course people love grabbing an easy big name title, giving little effort, and giving movies better left untouched sequels, while some that need a remake stay still.

 2. Bad 3D: 3D seems to be one of the few ways movies can actually approve while technology improves, and some movies are really improved. But of course that raises ticket prices. So a bunch of shitty movies convert there movie late, and it turns out sloppy and shitty, and your out a few extra books, and these movies happen to usually suck, so your cheated out even more money.

 1. Poor Movie Adaptations: There is nothing more annoying than the source material being shitted on. This hits me more personally, as it seems the things I like tend to be crapped on more than other things. These things are never so bad there good, they are just mind blowingly dreadful. These to me even though they aren't around every corner, when they hit, they get under your skin more than anything.
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