Album:The Eminem Show
Artist: Eminem
Year: 2002
Sound: 4/5
Lyrics: 4/5
Instrumental: 3/5
Idea: 4/5
Flow/Energy: 4/5
Music Video: (none)
Other: 4/5
Square Dance gets a 4/5
To tell what this song is, it’s one of those songs where Eminem goes off with straight raw lyrics. There’s never much point to these songs, but each have their own flavor or touch. In Square Dance, it’s a certain madness and strangeness to it. Throughout the song Eminem uses a weird country accent, and in songs he does a lot of things with his voice to mix it up, so this isn’t exactly a big change. But the lyrics are the typical clever and uniqueness that come with his style. It’s just a simple song, but there is something that grew on me over time about it. At first I was going to give it a six, but as time grew on I really started liking it, and it moved to a solid seven. And what better theme for madness than a theme about square dancing. It’s kind of a pointless song, but having a point in an insane song is kind of backwards on itself. Also an insane song is a good time to add references to a person you have beef with. Sure the song is resolved around something as weird as square dancing, but I half expect explosions in the background while I’m listening. And the point of the song is even if there was explosions and a million crazy things going on in the background, don’t worry about it, and just keep square dancing. And I love whenever the songs he’s breaking down words all crazy like and talking like an insane dude. This one song after songs like Business, White America, then you come to Square Dance, and you already are getting a pretty diverse album. So just keep on square dancin’