Sunday, 2025-02-02, 3:13 AM
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Pokémon Colosseum Review

Pokémon Colosseum Review
Genre: RPG
Developer: Genius Sonority
System I played On: Gamecube
Year: 2004

Ah, the first game for my Gamecube. As a child, my brother wanted a Gamecube, I equally wanted this. Being children getting a new console, you had to know how excited we were. As children, we both liked the Pokémon stadium games, so this 3D game fit right in. Another fun fact, I still somehow own this game! I don’t know how, but even when all my other games somehow left me, I somehow was able to still have this game in my collection. VICTORY! When I was young, I for some reason had a very hard time finishing games, but later after I became a collector, I finally finished Pokémon Colosseum. Most of my reviews I like to experience the whole thing, but this will be exclusive to the single player, and having a link to the Gameboy games and extra battle mode does not matter to me. I don’t have time to go back and play those games again, then buy the extra shit, then get people to play with me, that’s to much work. As for the extra mode, I had already beaten Mt. battle, so when I saw that mode, I was like FUCK THAT! But not to fear, this is still a positive review, and even has a little nostalgia. I liked that the Pokémon games gave a different approach, and made a nice console game. (Even though it’s still not as good as the portable games) But to hell with it, it gave the double fighting system a better look, was able to make us capture and fight Pokémon, and gave a nice little story to go with it. You no longer can catch Pokémon in the wild, but now can catch the new "Shadow Pokémon” in training battles. This may be unique, and add flavor to the Pokemon universe, and I’m happy they did it, but by the end of it you’ll miss the freedom. It all seems like a half ass version of the game I really want, a Pokémon game on a console, but you visit all regions, and can capture every Pokémon. *sighs* but I guess we can’t get everything we want, now can we? But this game has what most of the games in the series has, no fucking unique characters! I’m in no way saying the characters are bad, and they are different, but nobody in any of the games stands out, and makes a big impact. It’s get the job done, and end it there. But it does have what we do actually care about, the Pokémon! The objective beside the story is capture each of these "Shadow Pokémon” hidden through the world. There isn’t many, but getting them is still a challenge. Then you have to go to work purifying them back to Pokémon with pure hearts. I caught all the Pokémon available, but did not purify them yet. That’s another reason why I like it though. I CAN capture all the Pokemon. If I ever feel like playing the game, purifying the Pokémon is always a fun little thing to do. When I finally purify them all though, I doubt I’ll evolve them all, then go to work leveling them at all. But that’s a pretty good thing actually, there is a way to actually do everything, and there isn’t an overwhelming amount of Pokémon that you’ll know you’ll never capture. And if you were to spend that much time on major goal, it would have to be done portably. You even can acquire three legendary dog Pokémon, and even Ho-oh. (I didn’t Ho-oh because I was busy avoiding the stupid extra battle mode, forget the name) I liked this, and I think this helped those Pokémon shine just a bit more. I haven’t yet played XD: Gale of Darkness, but I’ll be looking forward to it after my experience with this game. The portable Pokémon games may just be a big upgrade each new game, but you can’t say they never tried to do something new. And this proves doing something new worked.

Pokémon Colosseum gets a 3/5

Spoilers:Good God, what the fuck was up with that big twist at the end? Oh no, the mayor is the bad guy, I really didn’t see that one coming! Who the hell cares? Oh my god, his mustache looks so fucking evil now! I would just as easily take that dancing idiot with the Ludicolo to fight for a final boss then that guy. But more into discussion. What was with the girl’s grandpa, was that suppose to be Ash? He had a Pikachu, is married to a girl we can assume had red hair (possibly Misty) a picture of a Torchic upstairs (possibly May, this game was made during that time period after all) And even reminded me of Ash, even after all his references. The game and anime take place in different worlds, so I’m not sure, but maybe even Red? But in the end, I don’t care. I do have to say some of my favorite moments in the game were in beginning (blowing up the hideout and meeting partner) fighting in first tournament) fighting that dancing idiot, capturing Entei and several others. I may play this game again many years down the road, but until then I’ll hold onto these nice memories.

Pokémon Colosseum gets THE CHARACTER BADGE


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