Sunday, 2025-02-02, 0:40 AM
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Episode 62 Review (A Failure’s True Power)

 Episode 62 Review (A Failure’s True Power)

I like how they handled the fight with Neji. They made it into a three episode fight, and the second episode was dedicated to Neji, and the third Naruto. This episode wraps up the fight beautifully, and I doubted there many ways it could have been better. When looking at this fight you would think, oh Neji would win. But the mental side of fighting is just as if not more important. Where Naruto was ready to fight the impossible and die trying, Neji was ready to say destiny has it all covered. The fight is probably just as good as any in the preliminary rounds, and gives Naruto another boost he hasn’t had in awhile, while also making Neji a definitive character in the series. Naruto also for the first time in battle called upon the fox on his own will, and that gave him an equal playing field, but it was that little extra in Naruto’s drive that got him the win. And this was as straight up the fight could have been, it was a simple who would win, no variables. Then Naruto won. Neji hardly tried for a long time, as he thought he didn’t need to, and already had gotten Naruto’s chakra points, and that was his mistake. And I love they made it seem like Neji had won. He stands while Naruto’s on the ground, then BAM! Naruto pops from the ground in probably the best Oh Shit! Moment of the series so far. Just saying that’s an awesome moment. It kind of felt like Neji had barely been hurt in the fight, but that’s missing the point. All I know is the fight was epic, and really character driven. I also like what he said to Neji, which just reminded us of how Naruto has broken destiny before. Neji was like "Should have known you would use the Clone jutsu, it’s your specialty after all.” Then Naruto had free access to do a wake up call and say that was his worst technique, and he failed it at the test three times. And the little part at the end helped Neji’s character. I didn’t even realize it at first, but there was a bird, and it flew out of the Chunin exam stage at the very end of the episode. That was suppose to be symbolic of Neji not being caged inside like a bird anymore, and reflects he learns the true meaning of destiny. Then at that moment it feels like Neji learned as much as Naruto. Anyway, this is a fantastic episode, and one of the best by far. I’ll easily give it a high nine, and say I could watch it again and again, because I’m already tempted to watch it again. It’s really great and character driven, and helped a side character like Neji reach a higher status, while making Naruto as good as ever. It was well hyped with Hinata doing her part in the preliminaries, and also Lee helped as well. In fact it felt like Naruto was winning the match for a lot of people who were considered failures, and couldn’t win, but Naruto won on behalf of all failures.

Naruto Episode 62 (A Failure's True Power) gets a 5/5
Naruto Using The Fox's Chakra

Naruto Episode 62 gets THE CHARACTER BADGE

Naruto Episode 62 gets the "The Creativity badge"

Naruto Episode 62 gets THE LONG LASTING BADGE

Naruto Episode 62 gets the HALL OF FAME BADGE

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