Sunday, 2025-02-02, 2:35 AM
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Episode 43 Review (A Friendly Surprise)

AFriendlySurprise Episode 43 Review (A Friendly Surprise)

And yes, we’re still on this little filler section. Again I don’t hate filler, and these episodes do establish a nice little trio with Krillin, Bulma, and Gohan, but I’m just ready for the Ginyu saga and for them to actually arrive on Planet Namek. Luckily the episode starts with Gohan and the others starting right off at finding the two star Dragonball, but unfortunately the ice cave they were in falls apart on them. It almost feels like they dumbed down Krillin and Gohan to make these episodes more Dragonball adventure like. Meanwhile Vegeta is finally up and going, and seems to know all about this Frieza and isn’t being treated like he’s ruler of the world anymore. In fact he when stepping out the healing chamber ended his title as Scouter Vegeta to me, and just became Vegeta. He seems to have a different less world conquering attitude and doesn’t even need his scouter. And while all this is going on Goku couldn’t help but lift a pyramid shaped rock with his mind and suicide diving at it, and yes he’s still suppose to be in a hospital. Isn’t he just a genius. And then oh no, it’s finally revealed as Gohan is suspended in the air against his will and the two nameks take Bulma hostage that they are bad guys. It skips to Chi-Chi finding Goku as he’s passed out in the middle of nowhere, and then it goes to Vegeta. He sees a man named Cui that he knows.  Cui tries to tease him for being found injured after losing to a third class Saiyan, and it seems like Vegeta’s not scared of Cui or Frieza at all. Cui tells him the Frieza is already on Planet Namek, and he knows all about the Dragonballs. Vegeta runs off to his ship to try and race for Namek. This is a great introduction to Cui, and more good precluding to Frieza. And lastly the two fake Nameks show they’re real form, and turns out they are two demon looking fiends who created a fake world to the others that they then reveal. Our episode ends as Krillin and Gohan are captured in some meat eating squid tentacles, and Vegeta is speeding towards Planet Namek. In the end this episode is much better than the ones before it. Things finally pick up, and even Vegeta proves a good show, and I finally can award a Character Badge that hasn’t been seen in awhile, and the two fake namekians twist really is disturbing and creepy. It kind of makes it feel like the last couple episodes had no point, but who cares? In the end this gets a high eight for showing much more and keeping me much more interested.

Episode 43 (A Friendly Surprise) gets a 3/5


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